
MoMA Tour

Foreward MoMA(Mueseum of Modern Art’s) is just not any other art museum but one of the most influential mueseums of modern art in the world. Most of the artwork collections comprise of the modern and contemporary arts discussing the mere essence of social, political and several other issues. The MoMA dataset hosts the collection: 123,919 pieces, including 1,656 sculptures, 28,411 photographs, 11,420 drawings, 1,936 films and — most important for our tour today — 2,229 paintings.

US GDP Analysis

  1. Relevant R-code ## summarise() has grouped output by 'country'. You can override using the ## .groups argument. 2. Description of the Type of Graph This is a histogram used to measure the spread of GDP across countries within each continent
  2. Description of the DATA used ## Rows: 142 ## Columns: 3 ## Groups: country [142] ## $ country <fct> "Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "Angola", "Argentina", ~ ## $ continent <fct> Asia, Europe, Africa, Africa, Americas, Oceania, Europe, Asi~ ## $ meanGdp <dbl> 802.